Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dull and tired

Sitting, waiting, in a parking lot again -- Wal-Mart this time. At least it's not Rural King, so WSMI isn't blaring in my ear.

Been a pretty stupid day. I'm tired and run down from going to Alton Square yesterday. Kind of strange to contemplate about that trip. I prayed so specifically that I'd be able to order that chair and be able to pick it up at the store, and it worked out exactly as I asked (except, of course, for the price!) It makes me wonder whether I could do that more often -- get precisely what I ask for -- like with writing. And you know, it might work out that I could ... so long as I actually do the work, and not just sit at my computer playing stupid games.

Or even if I work on a story instead of scribble in The Pensieve ... as I'm doing now. Sheesh! My rationalization for now is that my head hurts too much to think. (So what else is new?) I really wonder sometimes if I should find some way to disconnect those games.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow when my head doesn't hurt.

SIGH Tomorrow when I'll be all by myself. Ed's traveling to DeKalb tomorrow at noon for a 1-day 911 Training class; he'll be back Monday night.

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