Monday, September 22, 2008

A writing prompt exercise

Jot down your father's age at your conception. Then your mother's age. Write a brief description of the house where you were born, as you remember it or as you imagine it. Then write to one or both of your parents, or about them.

My dad was 31, my mom 32 when I was conceived around Thanksgiving. The story goes that the pains were so bad when Mom was delivering me, she almost jumped out the hospital's 4th floor window. My dad stopped her, and as far as I can tell, that's the last time he actually changed her mind about anything. She was one lady who had her own opinions and stuck to her guns, even when faced with absolute proof she was wrong. That happened a lot … and the walls of their dining room still echo from the sounds of their frequent squabbles.


I'm looking at ANY thing to get myself into writing! Lol.

Currently editing COMING HOME -- with a definite out-the-door target date of October 31st!!

I mean it this time ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea!

No, stop fretting and get into writing! That's an order! *giggle*