Saturday, March 8, 2008

From out of the blue

Do I mean myself, or ....?

Frankly, I don't know what I mean.

Yes (sigh) it's been over a year since my last post. Oh, you want an update? Well, let's see --
  • Friendship: That was my last post, so I start here. I seem to have improved in that regard. No, my looks haven't changed (lol), but I count more people as real friends. (Could it be they were there all the time ... eh, could be!) Anyway, that's an upswing for the better!
  • Elder Care: My parents are both in their upper 70s, and are starting to deteriorate rapidly. My mom has Alzheimer's, and some days she doesn't know who my father is, let alone who I am. My husband and I look in on them at least once a day. They are (for now) still in their own home, though I expect that to change very soon.
  • Mental Health: I, like everyone else on the planet, have several mental demons cluttering up my Anxiety Closet who really need dealt with. Well, thanks to a good friend, I think I can safely say that this year one of those little twerps has been kicked out of my Closet for good! It's too soon to say with any real certainty, but I truly think this one has been banished into utter oblivion. Good riddance to it -- BLEH!
  • Writing: Totally frustrated to report that I have yet to finish and send out even one MS!!! Argh! And I've started on a brand new work, but THIS one I'm determined to finish and send out SOON -- before summer. I swear it.

So, for the moment, there's my life.

As I said a couple of months ago -- 2008 should be an interesting year!


Mark Alders said...

LOL! I didn't realise the last post was a year ago! *blushes with embarassmemt* I just saw the march date... Anyway... I do know how you feel.

I am writing another novel. The one that will get me warmed up to tackle Centaur again. I have come to a kind of impasse with that novel, and not sure of the direction I want to go. The new novel is just a fancy, something I am writing for myself. Pure fun.

It's good therapy!

As a result, ideas are forming in my mind about where I am to go with centaur.

Now, my house situation isn't good. At the moment I have no job (I had to resign... long story) So I hope I sell soon. I am going to go back to school, however, and learn a new trade. I am hoping to become a teacher of some sort. Haven't decided. I have a few months to nut it out. Submissions for courses start in June.

So there you have it. That's me. Busy writing, panicking, and trying to make ends meet at the moment. I am enjoying spending time with the kids. I take them to school and stuff and act like a Mr.Mum and the moment.

Talk again soon. Sorry for the long letter... Didn't know what I had communicated to you. Mind is kind of fried at the moment.


Elizabeth Boyde said...

Sorry to hear the house is just 'sitting'. That can be frustrating - and frightening.

So can going back to school - wow! Teaching's a hard job, but I think you'd be good at it.

You've got a lot going on, lots of changes. So take a few deep breaths, relax, and don't panic ... it'll all work out. :)

Good luck with the new WiP!

p.s. -I don't mind long letters, and you know too if you do ever need to talk, I'm just an email or IM away :)