Tuesday, February 17, 2009


< SIGH >

I'm working at my desk, right?  I want to hear some music,
right?  So I figure I'll download my Beatles disc onto my MP3 player
and listen to it that way, since my stupid computer speakers won't
work, right?  So I start ripping the music, and I notice Windows Media
Player is playing the first track.  "Fine.  Play away," I tell it.  "It
won't do any good."

Then (for some stupid reason), I think I'll try using my headphones and see if I can hear anything from that output.

AND -- I DO!

But, when I unhook the headphones, I still don't hear anything out of the speakers.



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Needing directions

"Yes, I'm lost here. Could you direct me to the Island of Misfit Toys?"

I once told my husband that Rachel's writer's group was like a collection of Misfit Toys. That Rachel, Lin, David and I don't really fit in any other groups, 'cause we don't produce much word-count output. I'm needing those guys today.

Had to post word-count totals on GYWO and the Circle, and brother, was I blown out of the water. My monthly pledge goal for GYWO is around 17K (doable at 550 words/day) -- my total is 4,681. One girl on the Circle posted a total of about 27K (doable at 880 words/day).

So, could you please tell me where my group of friends are? I really miss them.