Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Slice of Life ... but Whose?

In my old house, where my parents have lived now for over 30 years, I'm sitting at the kitchen table, writing on my latest draft. Across from me, my mother, looking little and old, tries to put together a jigsaw puzzle. I know she won't be able to complete it, and it's really too difficult for her, but she refuses all help. Plus it makes the time pass quicker.

Breaking in on my concentration, my mother asks, again, "So how's your brother Rex and -- oh, what was the middle brother's name?" (I'm her only child, but I don't say that. I don't want to upset her.) She then mentions the boarders living with us (we never had boarders; she must be thinking I'm someone else), and that she distinctly remembers the house I grew up in -- "Do you still live there?"

This time I answer her. Perhaps something will get through. "No, Mom, I haven't lived here for a long time now."

"Not here - the house you grew up in."

"Mom, this is where I grew up."

Her gaze is unwavering, almost staring. "But you don't remember your other brother's name?"

I only look at her. After a bit, she turns again to her puzzle, and I go back to my work.

But I can't see the page before me.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

From out of the blue

Do I mean myself, or ....?

Frankly, I don't know what I mean.

Yes (sigh) it's been over a year since my last post. Oh, you want an update? Well, let's see --
  • Friendship: That was my last post, so I start here. I seem to have improved in that regard. No, my looks haven't changed (lol), but I count more people as real friends. (Could it be they were there all the time ... eh, could be!) Anyway, that's an upswing for the better!
  • Elder Care: My parents are both in their upper 70s, and are starting to deteriorate rapidly. My mom has Alzheimer's, and some days she doesn't know who my father is, let alone who I am. My husband and I look in on them at least once a day. They are (for now) still in their own home, though I expect that to change very soon.
  • Mental Health: I, like everyone else on the planet, have several mental demons cluttering up my Anxiety Closet who really need dealt with. Well, thanks to a good friend, I think I can safely say that this year one of those little twerps has been kicked out of my Closet for good! It's too soon to say with any real certainty, but I truly think this one has been banished into utter oblivion. Good riddance to it -- BLEH!
  • Writing: Totally frustrated to report that I have yet to finish and send out even one MS!!! Argh! And I've started on a brand new work, but THIS one I'm determined to finish and send out SOON -- before summer. I swear it.

So, for the moment, there's my life.

As I said a couple of months ago -- 2008 should be an interesting year!