Friday, March 2, 2007

Friendship ...

But why should I post about this? After all, what do I know about this subject?

I have one friend, one friend in the whole world. She, as it happens, is a missionary, with a wide range of people she talks to, e-mails and generally stays in contact with. Of course, she has to. Yet not only does she have great people skills and talk easily to others, but the fact that she obviously cares for them comes through loud and clear.

Me? - I have no great skills; I get nervous and scared when talking with mere acquaintances and I -- apparently -- scare others away.

Either that, or I have very, very bad breath.

I let people know I care, and they politely say 'Thank you' -- then take care never to log onto the same IM service with me again. Others say I know them so well, and they love me for it -- then yell my head off when I get frustrated at them for something. Or perhaps I'm discussing an issue with a co-worker. I mention how what she did made me feel. My comment inadvertently hurts her -- and from then on, even though I apologize for the statement, the rest of the conversation is about how she can't understand why I would say such a thing.

I won't even begin to tell you about my supposed best friend, who, when I was emotionally lost, confused and almost literally at the end of it all, said, 'What can I do? I can't help you with this.'

'You could at least listen to me, talk with me,' I replied.

She was called away from the phone ... and has said barely two words to me in the past seven years.

I suppose I should just give up on the whole concept of friendship anyway. After all, I do have green-tinted skin, a long hooked nose, and my laugh comes out a high-pitched cackle.

Anybody know how to recycle a used toothbrush?